Designing the User Experience of Artificial Intelligence

Part of the AAAI Spring Symposium Series

March 26–28, 2018
Palo Alto, CA

Organizing committee

Mike Kuniavsky, PARC
Elizabeth Churchill, Google
Molly Wright Steenson, Carnegie Mellon University
Phil Van Allen, Art Center College of Design

Symposium Summary


AI is increasingly common in consumer and professional contexts such as voice personal assistants, photo tagging, autonomous vehicles, creative tools, and medical image analysis. But the interaction and user experience design strategies and patterns for these applications are still in their early stages and have many challenges ahead.

This symposium will bring together a diverse group of people involved in the design of AI products and services for large scale, deployed commercial applications, advanced research and speculative futures, and from the worlds of HCI, design, TEI, HRI, and AI.

Topics and Schedule


Symposium format

The symposium will be a combination of presentations, posters, invited talks, panels, plenary sessions, and breakouts, to maximize participant interaction. All attendees will be required to participate with a short (20 minute) presentation, poster, panel, or demo related to their work or a subject of interest. We will alternate between these, design explorations in small groups, and large group discussions.

Call for papers/projects

Submission deadline: October 27, 2017

Prospective participants are invited to submit a short position paper (2-4 pages) in PDF format. Please follow AAAI style guidelines. Your position statement should include a short description motivating your interest in the topic, and a short bio that includes a description of your current area of research or practice.

In your proposal, indicate and elaborate on one of the following as your format:

Video and interactive demos should be accompanied by an extended abstract (1-2 pages, PDF) of up to 2000 words. Initial submission can include a draft/rough cut/storyboard of the video/interactive with a text description of its contents.

Submissions should not be anonymized. If your proposal is accepted, you will have the option to have an updated paper included in the technical proceedings.

Submit via...

Direct upload
preferred filename format: submission-date_first-author-lastname_affiliation
example: 090117_kuniavsky_parc.doc


Mike Kuniavsky
Palo Alto Research Center
3333 Coyote Hill Road
Palo Alto, CA 94304
+1 650 812 4847